Thursday, June 11, 2015

Week : 12

Date :
May 22, 2015

Topic :
Life Without Microbes Event

Activities & Refelection:

Overall, this event was successful. Though the preparation was quite chaos, but eventually everything occurred very smoothly. This event taught me a lot. As a sponsorship committee, I learnt  how to find the sponsor which is it was not an easy task as we needed to know how to communicate and persuade peoples. I also learn how to organize an event from the beginning till the end. Furthermore, we also can expose the microbial world to the outsider especially the invited students and teachers. They were also very friendly and supporting. Without them, this event won’t happened very successfully.  

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Week : 11

Date :
 May 11, 2015 ; May 14, 2015 ; May 15, 2015

Topic :Food Spoilage & Waste water Treatment

Activities, Notes & Reflection :

On Monday, we learnt about the microorganisms that cause the spoilage of food. Generally, there are many factor that promote the growth of microbes on food including the extrinsic and intrinsic factors. Extrinsic factors include the temperature while intrinsic factors are moisture, pH and nutrient content. From what I understand, intrinsic is more to the condition of the food whereas extrinsic is referring to the surrounding condition of that food. During the next class, Dr Wan taught us the new topic which is waste water treatment. All of my male classmate also had been asked by Dr Wan to present in front of the class. They were so funny as usual. Next, on Thursday, Dr Wan asked us to do the crossword puzzle about about the waste water treatment. The questions were quite challenging for I didn't remember some of the term. But, it is okay because it can train us to remember what we had learnt and read. 

Overall, the topic of food spoilage is irresistible and I can practice what I had learnt from this topic in my daily life. Perhaps, before this I was not aware with the presence of microbes on food but after learning this topic I become more concern about what I might eat. (Microbes are all around us, beware !!). To add up, I realized learning is not only restricted in class, we can use that knowledge in our daily life. Always have the thought that everything that we learn is the lifelong learning including this learning about microbes. So, stay calm and enjoy your life :)

Microbes on cheese.. nyumm nyumm

Oh my strawberries !

Microbes are everywhere on and in our body ..

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Week : 10

Date :
 May 7, 2015 & May 8, 2015

Topic :
Human Microbiome

Activities, Notes & Reflection :
We finished our lesson on topic human microbiome. Dr Wan shared some interesting stories to us regarding this topic. Dr Wan also shared the tips and topic that will come up in test 2. After learning this topic, I knew new things about the microbes on and in our body whether they are transient or resident microbes. I also got the new knowledge about the microbes that cause infections to human. Before this, I might knew the name of disease based on my experience or else, but now I knew the specific microbes that cause the specific disease.
On Friday, we had test 2. The objective questions were quite confusing and challenging as we need the skill to relate the topic from one to another. On the other hand, the structure questions were much easier than the objective question. I’m so sorry Dr if I can’t perform well in this test. I had tried my best to answer all the questions.

Week : 9

Date :
 April 27, 2015 

Topic :
Human Microbiome

Activities, Notes & Reflection :
We continued our lecture about the human microbiome. Dr Wan gave a lot of new information that I didn't know before about the microorganisms that reside in our body. The pathogenicity and virulency of those microbes are different from each other. Besides that, we also can differentiate between infection and disease. Infection occurs when the microbes grow on host but not necessary they can cause disease. Disease occurrs when the microbes impared the host function. I learnt a lot of new terms from this lecture. It was an interesting topic and so the lecture as it was really related with our daily life. The way Dr wan taught us was also attracted me to learn this topic as Dr Wan only focused on the lecture and no online activities during that day.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Week : 8

Date :
 April 23, 2015 : April 24, 2015

Topic :
Atmospheric Habitat & Human Microbiome

Activities :
This week was the turn of my group to present our flipped classroom about the microorganisms in atmosphere. We also had prepared the quiz regarding that topic.  During the class, we had a very quick lesson about this topic. On Friday, we learnt about the human microbiome. This flipped classroom on this topic was prepared by Rayhan and her group members. Then, we needed to answer the prepared questions. We also had submitted our thinglink on Thursday. I searched the info about the microbes found on currency notes and coins to complete this task. Below is the link of my thinglink ;

Notes :

Atmospheric Habitat

Human Microbiome 

Reflection on This Topic :
Since it was our group’s turn to make the flipped classroom, I learnt a lot along preparing this flipped classroom. We used ‘Pawtoon’ to present our flipped classroom and we took about 4 days to create that 4 minutes video. From this task, I learnt how to create the video by using Pawtoon as before this I never use this e-learning tool. It was very attractive and it provides many choices of animation and etc.

While preparing the thinglink, I found a lot of new info that I didn’t know before. I got to know the microbes that reside on currency notes and coins. As we needed to make some research to complete this task, indirectly we discovered quite lots of new info about microbes that are live freely and ubiquitous around us. All of these activities required me to apply e-learning tools and it is really fun as it was the time I can apply those e-learning stuff.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Week : 7

Date :
April 6, 2015 ; April 9, 2015 ; April 10, 2015

Topic :
Microorganisms in Terrestrial Ecosystem

Activities :
We finished our lesson on topic Microorganism in Terrestrial Ecosystem on Monday. On Thursday, we learnt about Microorganisms in Aquatic Ecosystem. Before the class started, we made the preparation by studying the flipped classroom that is prepared by Group 3. Then, in class we had a quick lesson and discussed on part that we did not understand. During the next class, Dr Wan gave us self-assessment to know our understanding level.

Notes :

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Week : 6

Date :
March 30, 2015 & April 2, 2015

Topic :
Microorganisms in Terrestrial Ecosystem

Activities :
During the first lecture, we finished our lesson on microbial interactions. We also had quizzes at the end of the lecture. On the next day, we learnt about the microorganisms in lithosphere. Dr Wan showed us the flipped classroom video done by group 4. Before the class began, we needed to sign up the voicethread and took a look for the lesson that is presented by group 4. We had a very interesting lecture on microorganisms in soil after a short brief of flipped classroom. After the lecture end, we did a group work. We needed to look for the depth, microorganisms, temperature, content and etc for different layer of soil and share those information in Blendspace.

Notes :

This is an article about the variations in microbial community composition through two soil depth profiles,

Own Reading and Exploration :
This topic explains the microorganisms that live in different layer of soil till the core of earth. Microorganisms are most abundant found in top soil. There are different types of microorganisms reside in each layer of the soil depending on the component of the soil. 4 layers of soil are topsoil, subsoil, parent material and bedrock. The physical and chemical factors influence the existence of microorganisms in soil.

The physical and chemical characteristics of a soil are different in different parts of the soil profile. Generally, the upper layers of a soil have more organic matter and roots than the lower layers. Other differences are related to the nature of the soil constituents, to weathering processes and to past land management practices. The origin of the soil determines the particle size distribution, which in turn affects the way the soil is packed, creating spaces and surfaces that are either accessible or inaccessible to soil organisms. The proportion of clay or sand influences the structural characteristics of soil and determines its response to management practices.

Reflection on This Topic :
This topic increased my knowledge about the component of the soil. I was able to differentiate the microorganisms that live in soil. I also knew the formation of soil based on the task that Dr Wan gave us. Weathering is one of the process for the formation of parent material. Since the texture of soil is getting harder near the core, the probability to find microorganisms in bedrock is less due to less oxygen, nutrient content and etc.